2017-2018 : Master 2 Analysis, Modelisation, Simulation (Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Sud)
Master degree in applied mathematics specialised in Partial Differentiate Equations.
Option : Analysis, Modelisation.
Course list (non exhaustive)
- Linear and nonlinear elliptic equations (J-F. Babadjian)
- Microlocal analysis (N. Burq)
- Introduction to spectral theory (S. Nonnenmacher)
- Control of ODEs (F. Bonnans, H. Zidani)
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of hyperbolic systems (B. Graille)
- Dispersive equations (F. Rousset)
- Variational calculus (F. Santambrogio)
- Navier-Stokes equations (P.-G. Lemarié, D. Chamorro)
- Unique extension and applications (M. Léautaud)
- Control of PDEs (A. Kroener)
- Introduction to inverse problems (O. Kavian)
Research internship of 5 months at Université de Montpellier, under the supervision Rémi Carles and
Matthieu Hillairet.
Subject : Nonlinear Vlasov equation with logarithmic nonlinearity.
Internship Memory / Internship Defense
2016-2017 : Bachelor degree Multiuniversity Formation of Physics (ENS Ulm)
Bachelor degree in physics.
2015-2016 : Preparatory Year for the Agrégation (ENS Paris-Saclay, ex-ENS Cachan)
Competitive Examination of the external Agrégation of mathematics, option scientific calculus, prepared at ENS Cachan.
Rank: 23rd out of 304 admitted.
Obtention du diplôme de Master 2 "Formation à l'enseignement supérieur", mention Bien.
2015-2016 : Master 1 (ENS Paris-Saclay, ex-ENS Cachan, and University Paris-Diderot)
Research internship of 5 months au CEA Cadarache, under the supervision of Virginie Grandgirard.
Subject : Study of a meshing method using Box-splines for the gyrokinetic simulations of turbulence in tokamaks.
2013-2014 : Bachelor Degree 3 (ENS Paris-Saclay, ex-ENS Cachan)
Internship for initiation to research of 6 months at CMLA (ENS Paris-Saclay), under the supervision of Laurent Desvillettes et Kléber Carrapatoso.
Subject : Introduction to Vlasov-Poisson equation.
2011-2013 : Preparatory class (CPGE Joffre, Montpellier)